Please click here to watch a brief video tutorial of our unique scheduling.
Welcome back to Colorado Academy Summer Programs!
We’ve made a few changes to the scheduling and registration process this year. We hope the changes will save you time and energy as you plan for camp next summer. If you have any questions, please contact the camp office at 303-914-2531.
Let’s get started:
1. Click on the grade that your child will enter in the fall (Link is located in the green box to the right) to view the programs and descriptions that are available each week. Remember that you can combine all partial day programs (including day camp blocks) to create a fully customized schedule for your child. For easier scheduling, print off the schedule for the weeks that you require and and check off the programs that wish to register for. If you prefer a hard copy of the camp schedules, please click here.
**If you are looking for a specific camp, you can enter the registration system directly and search for the title of the camp program. We recommend using the PDF if you will mix and match camps.
2. Click on the “Register Now” button and enter our registration system. Use the unique course number that is provided on your scheduling PDF to search for each program. Enter each program into the cart, complete the forms and deposit, and wait for summer to begin!
We look forward to seeing you again this summer!